Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Saw "300" in IMAX format this weekend. What can I say? It's a visually stunning movie. The CGI is incredible, undetectable and married with the action so well it is hard to believe that everything beyond about 30 feet from the actors is made by computer. Having been a lover of ancient history and having grown up in a home that was full of books on art and sculpture plus a full set of Ridpath's History of the World with it's beautiful engravings, the film to me was like watching pieces of art come to life. The true story of the bravery of the Greek 300 standing off Xerxe's massive army is one I've know since childhood.
There are moments when the film packs a visual whammy of imagery that prints in your mind. The action is seamless, the acting extremely strong and convincing. Gerry Butler takes command and keeps it. The accompanying book "The Art of the Film" is a great behind the scenes look at all the components that go into making a film like this. Amazing that months of work and skill boil down to one or two (hopefully more) weeks in theaters!

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